I'm sure you've heard the phrase: "Every cloud has a silver lining". Maybe you haven't heard the phrase worded exactly that way, but something along those lines.
I have heard this phrase many times. I know I've used it myself a few times.
And I couldn't help but think of this phrase after a night we had earlier this week.
Do your kids have a "witching hour"? Mine do.
And for my son (15 months old), that time usually spans from when we get home from work/babysitter until after dinner. Sometimes it even stretches until I can get him in bed for the night!
Anyway, a few nights ago my son was especially cranky/frustrating and I was trying to quickly clean him up from dinner and just get him in bed. All of a sudden I hear my husband yell...my daughter had thrown up. I came downstairs to see a little bit of food thrown up on the kitchen table and floor. Fun. My first thought was that my daughter gagged on some food and spit it up. As my husband and I are debating this thought, my daughter let us know this was NOT the case and proceeded to release I think just about everything she had eaten all day. In her hair, on her clothes, all of the floor, and the dog. Yes, even the dog was spared no expense in this one. I'm just glad I was standing a few feet away from her at the time!
So, with a screaming son who was already over-tired and needed to go to bed, I helped strip down my daughter to get her in the shower. My son was confined to his crib (and he let me know he was not happy about it) while my husband worked to clean up the war zone in the kitchen.
Once I got my daughter showered and and in pj's, I stuck her in front of a Curious George episode and proceeded to get my son ready for bed. My husband worked to mop the floor then give the dog a bath.
Luckily, my daughter didn't get sick again, but I couldn't help but think of the phrase "Every cloud has a silver lining".
What, you might ask, would be the silver lining in this situation?
Well, the kitchen floor got mopped and the dog got a bath...both of which hadn't happened in an embarrassingly long time.
So see, every cloud really just might have a silver lining!