After I was married, but before I had kids, quite a few of my co-workers had a cleaning person come to their home. For some it was weekly, others it was every other week.
I could not fathom the idea of paying someone else to clean my house. Frugal me couldn't imagine the added expense.
My other thought?
"Are you that lazy that you need someone to come clean your house?"
I now have a cleaning lady.
She does the basics like sweeping, mopping, dusting and the ever dreadful task of cleaning the bathrooms (showers included). And of course, I pay for this service.
Me, one of the most frugal people in my group of friends, and I'm the one with the cleaning lady.
Last summer, while about 6 months pregnant with 20 month old running around, I just could not seem to keep up with the housework. Well, not without feeling stressed about it.
I had switched jobs a few months prior, and with the raise in salary, I could then sort-of justify hiring a cleaning person. Sort-of. I was so tired though, entering my third trimester of pregnancy and keeping up with a toddler was just exhausting! So, I bit the bullet and did it.
Not all of the cleaning is done exactly how I would have do it, but admittedly, I also have some control issues.
But let's be honest. After working all day, making dinner, putting the kids to bed, doing the dishes, packing lunch for the next day, and throwing in a load of laundry, the last thing I want to do is clean the bathroom before I go to bed. And those Saturday morning hours of cleaning just aren't happening with 2 kids running (or crawling) around.
Now that my baby boy is 10 months old, and doesn't need me holding him or feeding him every second of the day, I have a little bit more breathing room in my day. Not much though.
As I look at the budget and where to trim next, I really contemplate cutting out the cleaning lady.
Can I really give it up?
Do I really want to add the stress of needing to vacuum, dust, mop, bathroom duty, etc to my weekly routine?
How will I fit it all in?
I've thought about a "Chore Chart" but specifically for cleaning. Almost like a checklist of each specific duty that needs to be accomplished each week. Like cleaning the 2nd floor bathroom would be a separate item than cleaning the 1st floor bathroom. When I break it into smaller actions, it seems more manageable.
Then I think - "Is it crazy for an almost 30 year old woman to have a Chore Chart"?!
I guess not if it helps get the job done.
How do you manage the cleaning in your household?
What tricks, ideas, or tools do you use to make it easier?
1 comment:
I would just like to say that I have zero kids but would still love to have a cleaning lady!! Maybe that is a lazy thought but I hate cleaning certain things and would much rather be doing something else. Just being honest... having said that, I don't have a cleaning lady because I know it's silly (and I have trust issues) so I have to motivate myself in other ways. Sometimes it's a drink or a meal or knowing I can start some home improvement (which I love) afterwards… and sometimes it's just knowing that clean feeling awaits on the other side.
I vote that you keep the cleaning lady. You have more important priorities and deserve the extra time you will save for whatever you want. You certainly aren't going to reflect on your life at 88 and wish you had spent more time cleaning - EVER!
If you choose to get rid of the cleaning lady, I think a chore chart is not such a bad idea - it gives you the visualization you probably need to stay motivated. I started a spreadsheet of things (mostly home improvement) that I wanted to do for each room which has helped. Of course, this doesn't really include basic cleaning but I still think it helps me stay on track for the goals of the room. Not sure if you should have the chore chart up though - I don't want it to be that object in the room you hate looking at… it may make you feel like you can't sit down until it's all finished.
Cleaning tricks/products: Spotshot for carpet stains, bleach for formica countertop stains, barkeeper’s friend for stained pots & pans…. I know this is not what you mean so my real trick is to reward yourself with treats – pedicure!
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