Monday, October 31, 2011

2,190 days

My husband and I celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary on Saturday.
Some days it feel like we've been married so much longer than 6 years...other days it seem like only yesterday we were walking down the aisle.

So much has changed in the six years we've been married; and at the same time, so little has changed.

We decided to each take a vacation day on Friday from work so that we could spend the day together...kid free.  The kids went to the babysitter, just like any other work day, and it was nice there wasn't a disruption in their schedule for us to be able to spend the day together.
We didn't do anything extravagant (um, that was partly because we had a slight change of plans when we dropped a pretty penny to have a new furnace installed at the last minute on Wednesday....)
We dropped the kids off at the babysitter's, dropped the car off for an oil change, then went to Starbucks and actually went inside and sat and drank coffee together.  With no interruptions.  It was heavenly.  I even commented to my husband while we were sipping our coffees...."Is this what we did when we were first married, before kids, because I can't even remember".
The rest of the day was really just spent, together.  We visited a new restaurant we had been wanting to try for lunch, ran some errands, did some shopping. 

On Saturday my in-laws offerred to watch the kids while we went to dinner.
We tried another resaturant we hadn't been to yet, but had been wanting to visit and stopped for a drink after dinner.
We made early dinner reservations so that we'd still be able to pick the kids up and head home at somewhat early hour.  Because THAT is definitely one way in how our lives have changed over the past 6 years. 
It's not about just us anymore.  It's about our kids too.  Our family.
And our kids don't sleep in. 

Happy Anniversary to my best friend.  Here's to many, many more years together!


basbrock said...

Thanks Honey...I Love You Too!!!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Happy anniversary, guys!