Saturday, March 10, 2012

Meet my best friend

Do you all love your crock pot as much as I do? (ok, I think the technical term is slow-cooker because crock pot is a brand name, but you know what I mean)

It is seriously one of my best friends. Let me explain:

5:00pm is by far one of the most hectic times of our day during the work week. It's when we're getting home from work, picking up the kids, feeding the dog and letting her outside, and trying to get a (somewhat) wholesome meal on the table so that we can all eat together as a family before it gets cold. And all of that must happen in a span of about 15 minutes.

I've picked up a few tricks to try and combat the craziness, but there's only so much you can do.

Into my best friend, the slow cooker.

Dinner is already made for me, and all I have to do is lift the lid and dish some deliciousness onto the kids plates to let it cool off for a minute before it's served.
Talk about awesome.

One of the other things I love about the slow cooker is that it is basically effortless. Dump a bunch of ingredients into a big pot and turn it on. Really. It's that simple. I'm always experimenting with new "recipes" if you can even call them that. I rarely measure ingredients and many times will just add in random items that I have on hand or left-over.
Here's my latest creation (before being cooked):


I know you can't see all of the ingredients in this picture, and I'm a bad blogger by not taking step by step instructions. But I know you're smart and I bet you can figure it out from my super simple instructions:

What you'll need:
2-3 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breasts
8oz cream cheese, softened (I use fat free; use your preference)
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can corn, drained and rinsed
1 can diced tomatoes, juices included (Get creative here...I used diced tomatoes with green chilies; you can use any variation you wish!)
1/2 small onion, chopped
Add any spices you enjoy (I always add garlic, because I'm a garlic lover)
Layer ingredients into the slow cooker in the order listed above. Turn slow cooker on low and let it cook for a few hours (until chicken is cooked through).
**Here's the thing, since I cook mine while I'm at work for 8-10 hours, I really have no idea how long it takes until it's done. I know mine is slightly over cooked, but that's the awesome thing about slow's pretty difficult to ruin the meal!)

I served mine with rice, all mixed together :) I had made the rice the night before (after the kids went to bed) so that took about 1 minute or so to heat up the microwave :)

You can eat it as is, like a casserole type dish, or we actually then put the entire mixture (with rice) served on soft taco shells with lettuce, cheese, and avocado (I'm sure my husband added hot sauce; he always adds hot sauce).

We don't have a name for it other than Crockpot Mexican Chicken Mix...if you come up with something better/more creative, feel free to share in the comments below :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

They're Baaaaaaccckk!

Oh man. They are back.

It is a weakness that I have, and it only happens one time a year. That time is now.
And no, it is not Girl Scout Cookies. (Although, those are also awesome, and I have such a weakness for boxes of Tagalongs and Samoas).

I'm talking about Jelly Beans.

Not just any jelly beans....STARBURST jelly beans.

Have you ever had them? If not, stop what you're doing and head to the nearest store where jelly beans are sold. You will want to buy more than one bag.

On second thought, maybe you don't want to try them. Because once you do...seriously, it is hard to stop eating them.  (**Do not blame me for your newest addiction.  Consider yourself warned.**)

I'm typically not even a huge jelly bean fan. I mean, I think they are good and all, but they aren't something I really get cravings for or drool over. Except for this brand (in original flavor only!).
I'm not even really a huge Starburst fan. But the two worlds combined?? It's too much to handle.

There isn't really much else to say, because let's face it: This post is about jelly beans. Jelly beans are pretty basic. But these are amazing, and you MUST try them.

That's all :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For

Wow, it feels like it's been a while since I've posted.  Probably because I've been so tired!  Which is fitting for today's Thoughtful Thursday post!

Have you heard the saying: "Be careful what you wish for"?

I feel pretty safe in saying almost everyone has had these little words of wisdom whispered to them at some point in their life.

I couldn't help but think of this saying, as I have been wishing, pretty much daily, for the past few months, for my sweet little boy to JUST SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT!

To be honest, the sleepless nights don't really get to me when my babies are babies. I guess I just kind of chalk it up to a requirement of motherhood. Neither of my babies slept through the night for the entire first year of their life. Ok, sorry, if we're being completely honest, my daughter DID sleep through the night for about 1 month from about just before she turned 3 months old until right before she turned 4 months old; then not again until she was about 15ish months old. I think it was her dirty little trick to make me think going back to work wouldn't be so bad. I told everyone I worked with it wasn't so hard to go back to work full-time because I had a baby that slept. Life was great! Then she said "HaHa mommy, jokes on you!" and stopped that nice little sleeping through the night bit.

My son has decided to follow in his big sister's footsteps. Only, he's now almost 17 months old and still waking at least  once per night, many nights twice. " Why is he waking?" you might ask. I. HAVE. NO. IDEA!

He wakes up screaming and refuses to go back to sleep unless being held. He will be out cold in your arms and the minute you even stand from the chair, he's squirming and fussing and carrying on.

***Oh, unless he's staying at either grandparents' house. Then he sleeps through the night like a perfect angel and my parents and in-laws think I'm lying to their face for sympathy points or something crazy like that because their precious grandson sleeps from 7:30pm to 7:30am with no problems.***

I've read many books and articles about a consistant bed time routine. The problem is not the going to sleep the first time. He goes to bed just fine. The problem is once he wakes after a few hours. Then all bets are off. I've tried using cue words, music, no music, white noise, night light, no night light, etc, etc, etc. I feel like I've tried it all. This boy just loves his cuddles.

Part of me says enjoy the cuddles. There will be a day when he doesn't want them. Then the other part of me (the working mom who needs to function during the day) says I need my sleep too!! It's been 17 MONTHS of no sleep and times up buddy! Once you turn one, mommy's patience is done.  You're past your grace period!

Anyway...back to the "Be careful what you wish for" phase.

I really cannot think of why I would need to be careful about my wishful thinking of a full night's sleep. What harm can really come of everyone in the family sleeping through the night?!